Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Like" This Blog and I Won't Care

Status updates. Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media site, people take their statuses so seriously. They spend minutes and hours and days thinking of an inspiring, funny, or dramatic status update that will “W-O-W” their friends. I know this, because I do it. I’ll admit it. I’m not some creative, whimsical status generator that can whip up the perfect status that will get 100 likes instantly. No way. But I do spend much of my thought trying to mesh together a status that my friends will drop their jaws to. Oh, and another thing I’ll confess to — I only post one status a day. Usually. Why? I don’t want to be one of those people who is constantly updating their status hour after hour, longing for attention and the infamous “likes”. But do likes and quantity of statuses really make us more admirable and respected? Yes, they may contribute to that, but in all honestly, NO. I think it’s more about the quality of our statuses. But hardly even that. To be 100% truthful, status updates are just another way to boast about yourself and set the spotlight on YOU. Although we may try to avoid the “me me me” attitude, we become blind when we continue to seek out approval from others by constantly updating our statuses. I’m not saying that ALL status updates are selfish. No. Attending a Pentecostal university, I’ve befriended several people whose status updates only glorify the LORD with every word. It’s super encouraging, and I highly respect these people. But at the same time, status updates are unnecessary. No matter what they talk about. If I stopped updating my Facebook statuses for an entire year, I wonder how that would affect me. Maybe my desire for attention would drift away. Maybe I would become lenient on another source of approval. I don’t know. It probably sounds silly that I’m considering doing this, but I honestly don’t care what you think. I’m tired of other people’s expectations. I’m tired of fulfilling what’s “normal” in this world. Because as a child of God, I’m already breaking that rule. As my best friend always said, “I’m a rebel for Christ.” ;-)

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