Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bagel With No Cream Cheese

Out of much frustration and loss of introspectiveness, I created this new blog. Honestly, I didn't want to make it in the first place. Because there's really only one reason why I made it: The IT Department at my school blocks Tumblr, which is where I've been blogging for almost two months now. It made me incredibly sad when I tried to access my blog, and it was blocked. I attempted to unblock the site by e-mailing the tech-y people, but they were still unable to unblock it. Which sucks. A lot. So here I am, with my new blog on Blogspot. It's okay; not as cool as my Tumblr though. It doesn't have that artsy-hipster feel, like Tumblr. I feel like this is so generic and plain. Like a bagel with no cream cheese. Isn't that just a flavor fail in your mouth when you eat it? I think so. So we'll see how this goes. At least I get a chance to unleash all my thoughts and emotions someplace, without getting writer's cramp. I'm satisfied, nonetheless.

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