Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A girl at work today was telling me about a tattoo she wanted to get. A keyhole on the back of her neck.
I had seen pictures of the tattoo floating around the Internet before, but I never actually understood what the symbolism of it was until my co-worker explained it to me.
She said the keyhole represents the opening of a new chapter in her life. A new chapter in this book we call "life".
I began to think about the season the Lord has been taking me through.
I've been learning to let go of things in my past. And trust me, it hasn't been an easy journey. I've held a bitter attitude towards many things pressing on my heart -- things in my past I'm ashamed to come to terms with. I've also argued with the Lord and tried to hide things from Him.
I realized that I've been incredibly immature in my behavior. Why? Because the Lord already knows all of my failures. There's no point in attempting to cover them.
"I the Lord search the heart." (Jeremiah 17:10)
There's a point where you need to admit that you are weak. You are exhausted and messed up, and the only one able to take away your burdens is the Lord.
It's when we are reduced to utter weakness and are persuaded that we can do nothing whatever that God will do everything.
He will run to us when we are poor and defeated, and lead us with strong hands to overcome. He is our strength when we are weak, our Rock and Redeemer.
"God is our REFUGE and STRENGTH." (Psalm 46:1)
We must give total control of our situation to the Lord.
Holding onto the past can seem harmless; but the fact is that the past digs a hole in our heart, ever so slowly but ever so deeply, that we become attached to it. When we try to let go of the past, we can't, because we're too comfortable with it.
We have become afraid of discomfort and uncertainty in the present.
We're frightened of being vulnerable, because being vulnerable highlights our weaknesses and tells others we have nothing together. It also makes us an easy target for people to hurt us.
What's cool, though, is that God sees it entirely different.
Once we are vulnerable, God can fill us and lead us to a brand new start into a new situation and a new dependence on Him.
He washes us with His love and mercy, and we become empty of ourselves.
"You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."(1 Corinthians 6:11)
The Lord gives us lavish cleansing. All of our dirt is wiped away, and he starts picking up the broken pieces and fitting them together into something beautiful. He's the perfect Puzzlemaker.
Let the Lord wash you.
In John 13, when Jesus is washing the disciples' feet, He tells Peter that,
"Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." (John 13:8)
We must allow the Lord to come into our hearts and cleanse us of all our brokenness from the past. We must allow Him to love us FULLY.
Let Him sanctify you. As my friend described it, "give yourself away so the Lord can use you."
When we forget what's behind us and reach towards the path the Lord has for us, we are turning the keyhole into the next season of our life.
Be vulnerable and allow the Lord open that door.

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