I know this is a silly way to start a blog, but I don't care. It's the hardcore truth. The Lord has been rocking my world lately.
Today as I was driving to work, I faded out the music and set my thoughts on the Lord. I started talking to Him like a normal human being. Hey Jesus, thanks for everything You are in my life. Thank you for delivering me, healing me, and loving me! My words are not adequate enough to express my gratitude for you. I rejoice in the wonders of Your Majesty!
Then the silence dawned on me for a moment or two. My speedometer read 70 MPH in the middle lane, and I shuffled over to the far left lane to get a little extra boost on the highway.
All of a sudden I was reminded of something my DLs had brought up in Lifecore a few weeks ago: Questions. The Lord loves it when we are curious and pursue after Him with a flock of questions. He likes when we turn to Him when we don't have the answers! And He doesn't ever judge us. You know the old saying your teachers bothered you with in elementary school? "There is no such thing as a stupid question!" Well that's exactly what God thinks. He loves being the source to our unknowns. It's not like He's going to reveal everything instantly in a flash of a second; God enjoys working in His timing. It all works out for our good in the end, anyway. :-)
All of a sudden I was reminded of something my DLs had brought up in Lifecore a few weeks ago: Questions. The Lord loves it when we are curious and pursue after Him with a flock of questions. He likes when we turn to Him when we don't have the answers! And He doesn't ever judge us. You know the old saying your teachers bothered you with in elementary school? "There is no such thing as a stupid question!" Well that's exactly what God thinks. He loves being the source to our unknowns. It's not like He's going to reveal everything instantly in a flash of a second; God enjoys working in His timing. It all works out for our good in the end, anyway. :-)
So, questions, ehh? Oh boy. There are too many squeezed into my small spaghetti compartment of a brain. I am no smarter than the average human being. Yet, at the moment, my mind froze. I didn't know what to ask the Lord.
Sometimes in the moments when we're given the opportunity to confront our questions head-on we can't even muster up a word. That's how I felt. Brain dead in the seat of my car on I-94 between Maple Grove and Rogers.
Sometimes in the moments when we're given the opportunity to confront our questions head-on we can't even muster up a word. That's how I felt. Brain dead in the seat of my car on I-94 between Maple Grove and Rogers.
Then I just sort of started rattling off stuff. Stuff that's been picking at my brain and causing me to catch a serious case of "wonderlust". God, how did you live a perfect and sinless life on Earth through your son Jesus Christ? What does it even mean to be Christ-like? Can I reflect your holiness in my human actions?
BAM. It hit me. Time to dig out God's Word. Time to ensue on a 30-day adventure in the New Testament reading about the life of Jesus. If I want to live more Christ-like, then I need to read about Him in order to get a tight grasp on His character. I need to page through the stories of Jesus healing the sick, speaking parables to the disciples, praying in the garden of Gethsemane... and on and on and on. I need to let my eyes and mind drink the words that detail His life here on Earth.
I realize that no matter how much I let a smile glisten on my face; no matter how much I bake goodies and make homemade gifts for people; no matter how much I invest in people's lives... I will always fall short of the glory of God. I will always fail somewhere along the lines. That one homeless man on the corner of the street holding up a cardboard sign with the words "Need Money For Food" scrawled across it -- I'll walk past him when I'm having a stressful and difficult day. I won't even look at him. Or maybe that friend I'll make a snarky remark to on a cumbersome day when my thoughts are scatterbrained.
BAM. It hit me. Time to dig out God's Word. Time to ensue on a 30-day adventure in the New Testament reading about the life of Jesus. If I want to live more Christ-like, then I need to read about Him in order to get a tight grasp on His character. I need to page through the stories of Jesus healing the sick, speaking parables to the disciples, praying in the garden of Gethsemane... and on and on and on. I need to let my eyes and mind drink the words that detail His life here on Earth.
I realize that no matter how much I let a smile glisten on my face; no matter how much I bake goodies and make homemade gifts for people; no matter how much I invest in people's lives... I will always fall short of the glory of God. I will always fail somewhere along the lines. That one homeless man on the corner of the street holding up a cardboard sign with the words "Need Money For Food" scrawled across it -- I'll walk past him when I'm having a stressful and difficult day. I won't even look at him. Or maybe that friend I'll make a snarky remark to on a cumbersome day when my thoughts are scatterbrained.
I'm continuously making mistakes and failing in God's book. But I'm not dwelling on that. The Lord is a God of infinite forgiveness and compassion! He literally pours down showers of grace and mercy upon us. As Isaiah 1:18 says: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow!" Now that's what you call some high quality stain remover. God's grace is ENOUGH. Jesus proclaimed, "It is finished!" on the cross and declared victory over every sin that ever was, is, and is to come.
And so I marvel at His wonders. I yearn after Him with a seeking and devoted heart, ready to challenge myself to be more like Him. I want to walk like Christ did 2,000 years ago.
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