Thursday, December 8, 2011

This Is My Prayer In The Battle

I don't know anymore. I'm in denial, and my emotions cringe inside my stomach. My skin shakes at the thought of what's going on. It's nothing bad, but it's not clear yet. It's totally a grey area for me, and I need the Lord to stay at the center of everything going on. I believe He has the best plan for my life, and I always needed to be tuned in to His voice so I can follow that path. Tonight I was faced with something that totally hit me off-guard. I saw it in the horizon, but I never thought it would happen. And it did. I need to stay focused and trust in the Lord. I can't let this be a distraction from everything God's doing in my life. Maybe this is part of it, I don't know. This is my prayer...
Lord, please give me the focus to keep my attention on you alone. Let my actions and words be a reflection of you in every aspect of my life. Let the things that are popping up on every corner not distract me from the plan you have for my life. Give me discernment to make the right decisions, even though they make be hard to face. I know that you carry me in Your arms and want the best for me. Everything you do is for my good, because you created me and love me with a love unlike any other. Thank you Jesus for everything you have poured into my life now. The friends, family, jobs, shelter, food... EVERYTHING. Let nothing be wasted or gone unnoticed in my life. I want to live my life as a living sacrifice for you, O Lord. So God, in this time of uncertainty and surprise, let my foundation in You not be shaken. I will hold on firmly to you, my Rock and my Savior. You are the Lord Almighty and Your promises and word keep amazing me. I will never be able to comprehend the intimacy of the love you showed for me through the death of Your Son on the cross. Thank you for forgiving me and loving me for who I am. For all my mistakes, failures, wrongdoings... You love me still. Thank you Jesus and let all the praise be given to You! <3

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